We are a group of specialists in the medical area of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation and in the social area
aimed at improving the lives of people with physical disabilities with the support of electro stimulators and other biomedical engineering attachments that allow them to restore their movements and muscular strength in the different parts of their bodies that have lost, due to some disease or accident, their voluntary mobility and / or muscular strength, managing to heal and recover, partially or totally, the different motor paralysis of people with motor disabilities.
Added to this, we are committed to promoting the improvement of the urban environment in the streets, buildings and in any place where the roads and displacement of people with disabilities becomes a environment adapted to their needs and physical limitations; as well as the realization of workshops and campaigns of sensitization and awareness, respect and inclusion of all persons with disabilities to society and the urban environment.
We are an organization that supports all people who have a motor impairment derived from any circumstance, to help them recover through innovative technologies most of their mobility, emphasizing people in vulnerable situations.
To become the first association that develops and promotes the research, development and manufacture of totally innovative portable electro stimulators and biomedical engineering devices for people with physical motor disabilities in our country, promoting this innovative technology internationally.
We are an organization that supports all people who have a motor impairment derived from any circumstance, to help them recover through innovative technologies most of their mobility, emphasizing people in vulnerable situations.
Manufacture and development of portable electro stimulators and other biomedical engineering devices that help to heal and recover partially or totally the physical movements and strength of people with disabilities. Research, development and manufacture of portable electro muscular stimulators.
Rehabilitation in people with motor, auditory or visual physical disabilities, children, adults and elderly people, who have lost due to illness or accident their voluntary movements, coordination and / or muscular strength, hearing or sight, as well as providing them with the necessary instruments to improve their quality of life.
Development of cutting-edge technologies so that people with a motor disability can improve their quality of life through the use of technology that can be developed in partnership with companies dedicated to this purpose.
Support all children, adults and older adults, with different physical disabilities, whether caused by diseases or accidents, by using portable electro stimulators, biomedical engineering devices, external braces, prostheses, hearing aids and / or visual or other, in addition to physical therapy and rehabilitation; emphasizing people in situations of economic vulnerability.
Promote the improvement of the urban environment such as streets, buildings and anywhere where the roads and displacement of people with disabilities are difficult, achieving an adapted and inclusive environment for all people.
Conduct awareness campaigns and workshops, to raise awareness, respect and inclusion of all persons with disabilities in society and the urban environment.